landline telephone is working. make and receive local calls from other landlines
But long-distance or “wireless callers” these can be your local friends who call you using their cell phone (wireless caller) have been unable to reach you on your landline.
You are at home and you get an email or a Facebook message asking why don’t you pick up your phone? You can get a voice call via a Facebook messenger or Skype work.
Your land line is experiencing what the FCC calls “failure to complete” problems. But do you really care?
“failure to complete” symptoms include the following:
- Long distance or wireless callers hear nothing or “dead air” for 10 seconds or more after they dial your number. If they stay on the line, the call may seem to be dropped or they may eventually hear a busy signal.
- Long distance or wireless callers hear prolonged ringing on their end after they dial your number (e.g., the callers wait 10-20 rings before they finally hang up)
Long distance or wireless callers tell you they repeatedly hear a recording such as “The number you have dialed is not in service” or “Your call cannot be completed as dialed” when they know they’ve correctly dialed your number. - What is the cause of these problems? the problem happens in rural areas where long distance and wireless carriers are required to pay VERY high – much higher-than-average charges to the local telephone company to complete order for a wireless carrier to complete one of its subscriber’s calls to a resident of a rural area, the carrier must get the call to the exchange serving that resident (the local phone company), and then pay a charge to that local carrier to access its exchange.
The physical process of getting the call to the exchange is called “routing,” and the charge paid by the long distance company to the local carrier is called an “access charge.”
- These charges are part of the decades-old system of “access charges” that help pay for the cost of rural networks.
- of course all carriers want to minimize any charges. wireless carriers contract with third-party “least-cost routing” service providers to connect calls to their destination at the lowest cost possible.
- Although many of these contracts include strictly-defined performance parameters, it appears that all too frequently those performance levels are not being met or, indeed, some calls are not even connecting at all.
Are consumer really going to take the time to collect all this data and file a report to the FCC when Facebook messenger and other voice apps works just fine?
Read below and ask your self is this worht it?
What information do I need to report these problems?
- The date and time the call(s) were made or attempted;
- The calling and called telephone numbers; and
- If possible, the name of the long distance or wireless telephone service provider that serves the calling customer.
- If you are having trouble making long distance or wireless calls to a rural area:
- Report details of the problem to your long distance or wireless telephone service provider. The number to report such problems should appear directly on your monthly bill. That provider should be best able to locate the source of the problem and fix it.
- You can also file a complaint with the FCC. For the FCC to take action on your complaint, you must provide the caller’s number, the called number, and the date the attempted calls or problem calls were made. If possible, you should also identify the long distance or wireless telephone service provider that serves the caller (i.e., the provider for the person calling the rural area) and provide the time of the calls. To file a complaint, complete this online Phone Complaint form. In the box labeled “Phone Issues” select “Availability (including rural call completion)” from the pull down menu.
- You can also contact the FCC by phone, fax, mail or email. is a web site being developed that shows alternatives to MagicJack.
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